
Showing posts from April, 2007

news of the world...

as someone has posted, sanjaya gaya ! :) of course not before he managed to get himself invited to the white house journalists' dinner. i think he'd make a great bitch for condi rice. they should hook up. in other news, apparently paris hilton hooked up with my man k-fed. must see: k- fed's performance at the n ickelodeon awards. man what a grade-a looooosaarrr! he could possibly be a hip-hop aaron carter. it's so bleddy hot men... and everyone is worried about what may is going to be like. dude, worry about what the next few years are going to be like. global warming is going to take off on a never-before seen scale. so what, you cry, we've got a/c's at home and work. well, the poor don't, and say, have you heard about the whole energy crisis thingie? don't worry, even if you haven't it's coming soon to a town near you. it's truly, truly amazing how freaking myopic everybody is about the whole deal. it's all about gratification no


come on dude, he's got to go. seriously. he can't sing and he's not even good-looking. he looks like a brown version of the olsen twins. when they were still in full house. and he's as effeminate as barbie in a pink dress and garters. pink garters. it's obvious why his no.1 fans are little girls. look if you ask me (i know you're not, but it's my blog so shut up) it would actually be good for him if he got kicked out. we all know he's got no talent whatsoever. ok maybe just a little, but certainly not enough make a career out of. no charisma whatsoever - you don't look at him and say goddamn, that guy's a rockstar! all he's got is his aww gee i'm such a cutie look. it won't last him longer than one hit. even justin timberlake got over that, and he's actually going somewhere. now he's a sexy-almost-honorary-black-person-yo-homies! boy. i actually like some of his recent hits. so how would it be good for sanjaya if he got kick

take off!

yesterday duddles handed over the april issue of jetwings... with my article in it! yay! it's looking quite good actually, esp with vikrant's pics so anyone flying jet airways in the next month pick it up and check it out. the mag's theme is colours of india and i chose grey - the colour of the mountains, the monsoon, the sea off bombay's coast, the manic construction in all the cities - a canvas that no one notices, but one that lets all the other colours stand out. next month: food trails of india. any suggestions? i've got a couple of thoughts - how about pickle? like a trail of typical pickle-makers across bombay? starting, i think, with the old gujju lady who makes my mom's stuff. also, it would be nice to take a look at marwari pickle-making with deepti's grandmum. and maybe prawn pickle east indian-style. woohoo.


cotton world has some surprisingly good stuff! no seriously, i went there yesterday with deepti and it's changed quite a bit since i last went... of course i must've last gone some 5 years ago or something. and that's all the fault of shopper's stop. there's some pretty decent stuff to be bought in bbay now... but the place that really gets me everytime i pass by is boudoir london. man they have some yummy stuff there. not just lacy & frilly or y'know, crotchless (how much time does that save you anyway and it costs you anticipation, which can be a delicious feeling :D) but also really pretty which is perhaps not the first word you'd associate with lingerie. the world's most outlandish lingerie, however, is probably the stuff on hill road. there's pieces you probably wouldn't see in strange fetish movies. y'know, the ones involving several individuals all at once and quite often several individuals of several species . and defecation and