take off!

yesterday duddles handed over the april issue of jetwings... with my article in it! yay! it's looking quite good actually, esp with vikrant's pics so anyone flying jet airways in the next month pick it up and check it out.

the mag's theme is colours of india and i chose grey - the colour of the mountains, the monsoon, the sea off bombay's coast, the manic construction in all the cities - a canvas that no one notices, but one that lets all the other colours stand out.

next month: food trails of india. any suggestions? i've got a couple of thoughts - how about pickle? like a trail of typical pickle-makers across bombay? starting, i think, with the old gujju lady who makes my mom's stuff. also, it would be nice to take a look at marwari pickle-making with deepti's grandmum. and maybe prawn pickle east indian-style. woohoo.


Anonymous said…
it might help to have a pickle-taster accompany you. *raises hand in eager anticipation*
sirocco said…

psst! it's 'Pippin'. :-*
Anonymous said…
oh i know silly, twas a typing mistake. btw, my grandmum is super excited about it. so now you're under pressure to deliver.

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