
Showing posts from January, 2008


in india, we worship monkeys, so what's the issue if bhajji called symonds one? and hell, if we want to be racist we'd say things like 'kallu' or 'kalia' or something. not 'bandar'. see the ozzies are having an apoplectic attack because 'monkey' is what they'd call a black man. something they've been calling the aborigines ever since the first rapist or murderer forefather set foot in the land of his exile and imprisonment. 'sub-human', 'vermin', 'animalistic'... a range of zoological epithets have described the peoples whose land they've stolen and whose inheritance they have plundered. pot... kettle... monkey.


it's been less than ten generations since this land became ours. it took less than three to clear out the blackies. down in tasmania, we just wiped them out. shot them, poisoned them, burnt them... whatever it took to get the vermin out. hunt them like the animals they are. no worries, mate. we managed to keep it clean until 1973, when the liberals cleared out the last of the white australia legislation. for over a century, we'd managed to keep 'em out - the niggers and the sand niggers and the chinese and the brown islanders of the pacific. oh they laboured in our mines and in our fields and cleaned our muck, but they didn't live here, no worries about that mate. the few remaining abo's... well, them buggers got the vote in the sixties but they're all to drunk to do anything about it, the lazy black bastards. they don't mean nothing to this land anymore, and they know it. no worries, eh mate? so we sit at our pub nursing our victoria bitters and laughing ...