what a nice, cloudy day. and there's no work, because the electricity's out at office. so. pleasantly cloudy day, no work, no office, and here i am in front of the computer. it must mean something. that i don't have much of a life, i expect. and on top of everything else, i've got a slightly guilty feeling. i should be doing something, dammit. not sitting around farting on blogspot. well i suppose it's either that or sit around fiddling with my dangly bits. which i intend on doing of course, but it's always better when there's a feeling of accomplishment. so, this blog. laa lala laa... ok, i can't hit enter after every few syllables, that's cheating. i wonder why there's so much of a hoo haa about giving yourself what is in essence, a therapeutic massage. admittedly, it's a very focused one, but in the end, you're just doing what you're programmed to do. i mean, i do it inside my head often enough. everybody does. and certainly a ...
yesterday duddles handed over the april issue of jetwings... with my article in it! yay! it's looking quite good actually, esp with vikrant's pics so anyone flying jet airways in the next month pick it up and check it out. the mag's theme is colours of india and i chose grey - the colour of the mountains, the monsoon, the sea off bombay's coast, the manic construction in all the cities - a canvas that no one notices, but one that lets all the other colours stand out. next month: food trails of india. any suggestions? i've got a couple of thoughts - how about pickle? like a trail of typical pickle-makers across bombay? starting, i think, with the old gujju lady who makes my mom's stuff. also, it would be nice to take a look at marwari pickle-making with deepti's grandmum. and maybe prawn pickle east indian-style. woohoo.
here's a really fun idea that struck me when i was farting around google earth. somebody's probably already figured this out, but what the hell... how about a satnav system, with route computation, coordinates, postal addresses – based on a google earth-type application. the only difference with gps-enabled systems would be that there are no real-time updates on coordinates… but then, hell it’s free! how it works – i enter my home address into omniscope (mwahahah ya ok, it's from pratchett), the map swings around and plants a dot on my home. then i type in another address in the city/another city. omniscope computes the route, shows it to me on the map, and gives me a concise list of directions, landmarks, etc. i figure updates happen once every 3 months, not too much faster, because most city-centres etc. are pretty fixed. in case of long distance/international travel, what happens next is the real shit – omniscope then provides me an immediate update on offers/airlines/tr...